India's migration to Electric Vehicles by 2030.... Plausible? A list of reasons why India's migration to 'Only-EV' sales by 2030 is a herculean ask, task, cask! Forget On-Road Price, Charging Points/Electric Grid Sophistication, or Better Graded Fuel. There is a bigger and more basic concern for Electric Vehicles to storm the roads. And that reason precisely could be that there would be no roads for electric vehicles. Image Sourced from this Business World article on NITI Aayog's EV dream! vision! The Tesla Tax A few weeks back Norway did this . With the minority government there mulling (albeit forcefully) over the scope and extent of benefits given to EVs (read Tesla). Hefty benefits that included subsidies in taxes, vehicle parking fees, and road tolls. And now have taken a U Turn , which was expected given the vociferous protests from environmental groups. And seemingly for good and sound reason given that: - EVs cut carbon footprint substa...
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