Bane: China leads the world in electric and alternate fuel vehicles. Cane: Izzatzo?! Bane: Do you understand what this means? Cane: Dunno, dun care... Bane: Yes so does someone else ! China however has 664161 alternate fuel driven vehicles on their roads. The most such cars on this planet! A cool 103651 more than the US. Bane: What? Really? 100 thou more?? Cane: Yes, its time the world followed more than just their cuisine!
To Be Said Upfront - This checklist focuses on the probable pitfalls that would affect manufacturing facilities and non-IT companies' path to IoT adoption! Haste != Quick Ergo Stay Calm Yes, IoT is already driving positive and tangible business results; case in point - the industrial internet of things ( Industrial 4.0 ). But this does not mean you get hasty! On the contrary this is when you do NOT get hasty. Solution - Breaking down and resolving your existing business model to correspond to a skeletal digital model. Validate this with an established IoT practitioner. Going Piecemeal? Please Do Not! IoT is now an indispensable part of our daily lives, irrespective of the industry or the verticals it serves. There is a lot of technological debt involved in an unsystematic implementation/trial/adoption as Dilbert tries to explain here, Courtesy Scott Adams, And as with any new technology its adoption will be step-by-step, phase-by-phase, b...